Math and Architectures of Deep Learning MEAP V02


数学与深度学习架构 MEAP V02




Krishnendu Chaudhury & Ananya Ashok, Sujay Narumanchi & Devashish Shankar




1 An overview of machine learning and deep learning
1 机器学习和深度学习概述

Deep learning has transformed computer vision, natural language and speech processing in particular and artificial intelligence in general. From a bag of semi-discordant tricks, none of which worked satisfactorily on a real life problem, artificial intelligence has become a formidable tool to solve real problems faced by industry, at scale. This is nothing short of a revolution going on under our very noses. If one wants to lead the curve of this revolution, it is imperative to understand the underlying principles and abstractions, rather than simply memorizing the “how to” steps of some hands on guide. This is where the mathematics comes in.

In this first chapter we will give an overview of deep learning. This will require us to use some concepts that have been explained in subsequent chapters. The reader should not worry if there are some open questions at the end of this chapter. This chapter is aimed at orienting one’s mind towards this difficult subject. As individual concepts get clearer in subsequent chapters, the reader should consider coming back and giving this chapter a re-read.

1.1 A first look at machine/deep learning - a paradigm shift in computation
1.1 机器/深度学习初探——计算范式转变

Making decisions and/or predictions is a central requirement of life. This essentially involves taking in a set of sensory or knowledge inputs and generating decisions or estimates by processing them.

For instance, a cat’s brain is often trying to choose between the following options: run away from the object in front vs ignore the object in front vs approach the object in front and purr. It makes that decision by processing sensory inputs, like perceived hardness of the object in front, perceived sharpness of the object in front, etc. This is an instance of classification problem where the output is one out of a set of possible classes.
